Video Essays are used to visually analyze films critically and or creatively by often using the film’s sounds, images, and texts. They also often incorporate outside research, footage, and sounds to tell their story. Video essays are often telling a different story from the original film by expressing a new idea or argument about the original film. The final project for my Video Essay course was to create a video essay of a film using videographic criticism. I chose to do my project on the new 2019 Aladdin and old 1992 Aladdin. The 1992 Aladdin movie has a lot of racial controversy within the movie, specifically in the song lyrics. This has caused a lot of backlash among die-hard fans who believe that although racial, Disney should stick to the original story in their remakes. In my video essay I use many newspaper headline clippings, footage from the movies, and audio from the movies to analyze this racial tension. Video essays Based on a True Story by Zackery-Ramos Taylor, and Reading//Binging//Benning by Chloé Galibert-Lainé and Kevin B. Lee were my creative inspiration in making my own video essay.
Footage from YouTube and News Sites, and edited using iMovie