2023 SciTech Tradeshow Video

Collaborated with key stakeholders to create, edit, and review a promotional video for Calspan to show at the 2023 SciTech tradeshow. This video was challenging as there were many different Calspan business units being represented at SciTech. The video needed to equally represent all Calspan business units in attendance in a way that aligned with the Calspan mission of “Testing the Future.” To achieve this task, I created a clicking animation of the icons using Adobe After Effects. This helped differentiate each separate business unit with their own section of the video, but tied all the business units together using this main home screen that the video kept going back to. The icons matched the icons on the Calspan tradeshow booth, tying together all of the elements to represent a single Calspan brand.

Video edited using Final Cut Pro
Animation effect edited in Adobe After Effects

This video was posted on Calspan’s LinkedIn feed after the show

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